I work as a research assistant with the EU-funded project GEOFORMATIONS, which focuses on “Geographies of dynamic governance assemblages in development cooperation civil society spaces.” I am very excited to contribute to this fascinating project, which is embedded in assemblage theory.
I am keenly interested in post-structuralist theory and its application to thinking about and studying the social world, its processes and complexities. This theoretical exploration has developed out of my formation in linguistics: I hold a BA in French Philology and an MA in Turkic Philology from The University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, Bulgaria) and Leiden University (the Netherlands). I further explored applying this theory to democracy in my doctoral research on the contribution of civic initiatives to Europeanization in a post-communist context (Maynooth University, Ireland. I have worked as an assistant in a hydrogen energy research project at UNIDO-ICHET (Istanbul, Turkey) and most recently as a lecturer of a Master’s module on Gender & Discourse with the Department of Women and Gender Studies (Trinity College, Ireland).