
Archives Team

Máire Brophy

Smiling person with glasses and short hair.

Dr Máire Brophy is an independent research development and training expert, with particular expertise in European research funding. Máire works with researchers, research groups and universities to support the development and planning of research and research funding. She was previously…

Dr Susan Murphy

Susan Murphy

I am an Associate Professor in Development Practice at the School of Natural Sciences (Discipline of Geography), Trinity College Dublin, and the Principal Investigator of GEOFORMATIONS, a European Research Council (ERC) funded project examining the geographies of dynamic governance assemblages…

Cian McMahon

I work with the European Research Council (ERC)-funded GEOFORMATIONS project: “Geographies of dynamic governance assemblages in development cooperation civil society spaces.” Previously, I worked as a Research Associate with the International Centre for Co-operative Management (ICCM) at Saint Mary’s University…

Maeve McGandy

Smiling person with dark hair and sweater.

I work as a researcher on the ERC-funded GEOFORMATIONS project, which traces and examines the geographies of dynamic governance assemblages within development cooperation civil society spaces. I am particularly interested in analysing how governance systems, structures and processes emerge and…

Ruby Paterson

Ruby Paterson

I am a PhD candidate as part of GEOFORMATIONS, a European Research Council (ERC) funded project examining the geographies of dynamic governance assemblages in development cooperation civil society spaces. Previously I have worked at Oxfam Great Britain across the International…

Elaine Elders

I am the administrative officer for the Geoformations Project. I joined TCD in 2005, working in the Timetables and Examinations Office before moving to the School of Natural Sciences in 2010 as a postgraduate administrator. In addition to the administration…

Prof Su-ming Khoo

Dr Su-ming-Khoo

Dr Su-ming Khoo joins the Expert Advisory Panel as our ethics advisor.  Her research and teaching centre on different/ contested meanings of globalization and development, especially along North/South lines. She focuses on human rights, development theory and political economy of…

Doris Bäsler

Doris Basler

Doris is an experienced non-governmental practitioner who has worked with various large and complex organizations across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Her expertise spans over 20 years in the sector, both at the country and international secretariat levels, focusing on…

Prof Bernadeta Killian

Prof. Bernadeta Killian is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Dar es Salaam, currently serving as Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Planning, Finance and Administration of the same university. Prof. Killian…

Prof/Dr Aruna Rao

Aruna Rao is a leading international thinker/practitioner on gender equality, feminist leadership and organizational transformation.  She is the co-founder and former Executive Director of Gender at Work, an international feminist network committed to building cultures of equality and inclusion in…